Today's struggle is nothing compared to God's love
Image Credit: Nicole C Mullen
24th Feb 2020
Nicole C Mullen
R&B singer-songwriter Nicole C Mullen has received lots of praise for her music over the years.
You might have heard two of her hits on xRhythms, 'Like Never Before' and 'Betrayed With A Kiss'.
Years back, Nicole made the record books when she became the first African American singer to win a Dove Award in 1998. Thereby challenging the black/white divide that still permeates so much in some American groups.
The newer album, which has produced her new hits, ‘Like Never Before’, is based on what she calls “life experiences.”
She told CBN that the album was “birthed in a lot of love, a lot of loss, and a lot of redemption". In the process of going through these life experiences, she continuously learned how to "implement forgiveness and to receive healing", and allow others into her pain.
The love of Christ is greater than anything we can go through.
"And so the album has songs on there about that journey." she continued. "And really how ultimately when it's all said and done, how the love of Christ is greater than anything we can go through. The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us. So his love again is greater still."

Mullen has taken this energy and established a mentor group for girls called The Baby Girls Club, where she mentors them through the arts.
Mullen has also been active with the International Needs Network Ghana, an organisation that works to free Trokosi slaves in Ghana.
There's no doubt that Mullen's music and experience have had an impact on the people around her.