Tips on relationships
Grace Stanhope,
8th Jul 2021
Recently I got engaged to my now fiancé, which is super exciting!
In the midst of wedding planning, I’ve taken time to be thankful for our relationship and the things I’ve learnt along the way.
Relationships are such a big part of life, whether that’s friendships or romantic. Today I want to talk about some tips on relationships, whether you’re currently single, going through a brake up, in a relationship and are wondering what the next steps are, or maybe there’s someone you like at the moment? Wherever you’re at, I want to encourage you in relationships.

Pray Together, and for one another
Myself and my boyfriend are both Christians, and we both agree that our relationship with God is the biggest priority within our relationship. That means always encouraging one another within our personal relationships with God, making him the centre of our own, choosing to follow God together.
One thing we love make a priority each and every day together is to pray together. Sometimes that looks like a FaceTime or a phone call prayer, and sometimes that looks like being sat together and getting to pray.
Prayer is so important, and to us it’s so important for us to take time aside each day to thank God for our days and spend time with him together. It really does bring us closer together, and in doing that bring us closer to God.
Communication really is KEY
Communication really is key in relationship. Sometimes communication may not be easy and it may be difficult, but it’s so important to be able to have open and honest conversations together.

In doing so, you can strengthen your relationship, encourage one another, and support one another in every situation you face.
Be Intentional
I think it’s so important to be intentional when dating. For me and my fiancé, before heading into our relationship we really took time to pray about whether we felt this was the right thing. We sought advice from people we knew and trusted, and we talked about our futures and saw whether they lined up. We really wanted to make sure that if we were going to be together, it was going to be for life.

I understand that may sound a little full on, but for us we wanted to date with a purpose. We didn’t want to just “see what happens” or “hope for the best!”, we really wanted to be intentional from the beginning, and carry that forward.
So I definitely recommend being intentional from the start, and also throughout your relationship.
Wait for God’s Timing
Maybe you’re waiting for a relationship, or looking for “the one”, or maybe you want to take steps forward in your own relationship. Maybe you’re wondering when the pain of a breakup will ever go away.
God’s timing is everything. He knows every one of us more than we know ourselves, and he loves us more than we can ever imagine.

As a Christian, I believe that God has a plan for each of us, which means he knows when it’s the right time to bring someone into our lives. He doesn’t want us to rush the process of it, he wants us to follow and trust his timing.
Here are some videos with tips on relationships if you want to hear more:
- 7 Tips for Christian Dating - Nate and Sutton
- Best Tips for Healthy Dating - Jeff & Alyssa
- Finding the Right Someone- Sadie Robertson