Sun’s out, bodies hidden?
Phoebe Simcock,
21st Jun 2021
Body image
Body confidence is an ongoing issue with people of all ages, genders and backgrounds. The media knocks us down every summer with phrases such as ‘beach body ready’, and frankly we’ve had enough.
It’s hard to avoid comments like this on social media, but there are some things that we can do to rekindle the love with our bodies.
1) First call, start small
Hating every part of ourselves is soul destroying. To start small is to declare that you don’t hate every part. If there’s a part of you that particularly brings you down, focus on adapting or accepting that bit first.

2) Grateful not hateful
Appreciate what you have that others maybe don’t. Whilst you’re hating on your legs for the way that they look, remember how they move. Remember how they enable you to go ice skating or walk in the park. Your body is there for more than to look at.
3) The gram is a scam
We knew this one was coming didn’t we? Social media can have some amazing benefits, but it can also be very toxic.
Why not remove the accounts you fear may be fake and research bodies that are similar to yours or find influencers that endorse body positivity.

4) Be kind to your mind
Your brain is amazing. Alright, so sometimes it goes against us but overall it’s an amazing tool.
If we spend as much time worrying about expanding our mind as we did about our body worries, we could achieve so much. Why not do a swap and let our brains be something we can be proud of.
5) Dare to self-care
The term self-care gets knocked around more times than a tennis ball, but is still severely underestimated.
This doesn’t have to always be a face mask and a hot bath, it can be as simple as just being you. Try restarting your hobbies, or saying no to plans that you’ve been dreading.

6) Don’t analyse, strategise
A trip out can sometimes have you feeling uneasy, so plan ahead. This could be buying a pretty beach cover-up, using cycling shorts for chafing or learning to sew to adapt clothes to be perfect for your body.
7) Body talk? Walk!
Nothing spoils a family BBQ more than a relative deciding that it’s okay to comment on your body. Sometimes even when it’s not directed at you, these conversations can still hurt.
If you don’t feel comfortable enough to speak out, walk away. It says more about them than you.
8) Run for fun
Exercise doesn’t always mean a heavy run or endless gym sessions. Grab a yoga mat and do some stretches in the garden, try a weighted hula hoop or even tidy the house with a great Spotify playlist on.
9) Don’t abort support
If something is affecting your life on a daily basis, it may be time to seek help.
Speak out to someone that you trust about your insecurities. Your local GP will also have suggestions for any issues you may be having such as weight, skin conditions, or mental health.
10) Explore and adore
I’ve been avoiding ‘fake it til you make it’, because pretending that you’re okay can be very damaging for your mental health. Instead, explore the notion of adoration.
Affirmations in the mirror or pushing your fashion boundaries could be a way to do this. Give loving yourself a try, it can’t hurt.
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