Paris Hilton: The truth behind the icon
Image Credit: This is Paris, YouTube Original
Molly Fairclough,
24th Sep 2020
Social Media
In the early 2000s, you couldn’t turn on the TV or open a magazine without seeing the name ‘Paris Hilton’. She was known for many things: being a party girl, a socialite, a ‘dumb blonde’, and a reality star.
She was the blueprint for all of the reality stars.
In fact, she was the blueprint for all of the reality stars we see now and basically invented being famous for the sake of being famous.

Nowadays, she lives a more private life but in her recent documentary, ‘The Real Story of Paris Hilton | This Is Paris’, she gives the world an extremely open and candid look into who she really is.
In the documentary, Paris shows a side of herself that is very different to the one that has been plastered all over the media, revealing that the Paris Hilton we think we know is really just a persona.
Instead of the dumb blonde she has been portrayed as in the past, she reveals herself to be a kind and intelligent business woman, whose life hasn’t always been as glamorous as it may seem.
Paris gives insight into her traumatic experiences.
Paris gives insight into her traumatic experiences in reformatory school as a child and how they have led her to have some serious issues with her mental health later in life.
One of the effects of Paris’ childhood trauma, is that she finds herself constantly searching for love. In an interview on ‘The Drew Barrymore Show’, she is asked the question: "Do you think that you’re addicted to the love that you receive from the outside?"
Almost immediately Paris answers yes, explaining that, 'because of what [she’s] been through [she’s] always searched for love and attention.’

In her documentary, Paris reveals that a huge source of this love comes from her fans. However, during a particularly emotional moment, while she is explaining this close relationship she has with them, a member of her team asks the question, "Is it enough?"
This seems like a moment of realisation for Paris, as she tearfully responds, "No", before going completely silent.
Throughout the documentary we see footage of Paris’ fans crying and shaking in her presence, declaring over and over again that they love her. however, it just isn’t enough. But why?
Paris is not alone in seeking love from outside sources.
Whilst most of us don’t have millions of adoring fans, Paris is not alone in seeking love from outside sources.
Whether it is in friends, relationships, clothes, money, success, etc., many of us, in times of loneliness look outwardly for love and affection. However, this is only ever a temporary solution, and ultimately you end up right back in that lonely place.
The world is full of different definitions of love, but in the Bible, it says that ‘God is love’ (1 John 4:8). It teaches that, only through accepting love from Him, will our hearts be truly full.
God loves us through our best times and our worst.
Unlike the temporary things that we often look to for love, God’s love is eternal and does not depend on our actions or circumstances. God loves us through our best times and our worst, He is with us in every high and every low.
If you are tired of looking for love that never seems to satisfy you, just know that God’s love is always there. His perfect love will never tell you that you are not worthy and will always leave your heart feeling full.